The Hours下载
- 电子书名称:The Hours
- 电子书分类:小说
- 电子书作者:Michael Cunningham
- 电子书类型:TXT/PDF
- 信息来源:豆瓣
- ISBN:9781841157887
- 出版时间:2002-11-1
- 出版社:Fourth Estate
- 标签: 女性 小说 美国文学 MichaelCunningham 普利策奖 美国 外国文学 迈克尔・坎宁安
- 一、《The Hours》是作者【Michael Cunningham】创作的原创小说作品!
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来自微博用户2020-12-31 23:32:12
的评论【昨晚出现了#2020最后一次满月#】#2020最后一天#,愿今年所有的遗憾,都是明年惊喜的铺垫~转发祝福2021年! 2020's final full moon appeared in the sky of Kent in the UK in the early hours of December 30. Dubbed the "Cold Moon" due to its proximity to the winter solstice, ...
来自微博用户2020-12-31 23:32:12
的评论MorMor《Pass the Hours》Pass the Hours(
来自微博用户2020-12-31 23:32:12
的评论2020年听了963小时音乐,1651个歌手,652张专辑。歌曲前三:刘柏辛 - MantaThe Weeknd - After HoursAni Lorak - Обещаю专辑前三:刘柏辛 - 无限意识Kylie Minogue - DiscoLady Gaga - Chromatica歌手前三:Ani LorakThe Weeknd刘柏辛
来自微博用户2020-12-31 23:32:12
的评论the last few hours买好奶茶等小谢来接我去跨年
来自微博用户2020-12-31 23:32:12
的评论The last eight hours of 2020
来自微博用户2020-12-31 23:32:12
的评论my kisses anchor,and my moist desire nestsin you with your arms of transparent stone.留驻我的亲吻,藉着我潮湿的欲望,在你玉石般剔透的双臂间营巢。Thus in deep hours I have seen,over the fields,the ears of wheat tolling in the mouth of the wind.在时间的深渊里我看到,旷野的 ...
来自微博用户2020-12-31 23:32:12
的评论Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks.But bears it out even to the edge of doom.If this be error and upon me proved.I never writ, nor no man ever loved.